COVID-19 Prevention Plan 

Dear Harbortown Point Resort Guests:

As we as a Community move forward with reopening our economy, we take great interest in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our Guests and Employees and would like to provide you with information on how Harbortown Point Marina Resort is doing everything we can to keep everyone as safe as possible.

 Upon arrival, Guests are provided with all of the information required by the Ventura County Health Officer.  If Guests are exhibiting symptoms and pose a present health risk to others, Harbortown Point Marina Resort reserves the right to deny service.  Alternatively, the Guest may be relocated to another part of the Resort designated for quarantine and be asked to self-isolation order to protect others from potential infection.  If such a position is taken, rest assured we will do our very best to keep close contact with that Guest helping to make sure that all service and medical needs are met, and to confirm their well-being.  Any deliveries will be made to the Guest’s door.  Upon Checkout each room impacted will be secured for at least 24 hours.

In Accordance with Ventura County’s Modified Executive Orders and the California Public Health Department’s COVID-19 Industry Guidance for Hotels and Lodging, we have started operating Harbortown Point Marina Resort’s amenities in a limited capacity and require strict compliance with Ventura County Health Department Guidelines.

The following amenities are offered in their limited capacity:

Point Club Restaurant - Open for Take-Out for Breakfast and Lunch between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday.   Open for snacks, ice cream, cocktails and drinks between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Face masks are required upon entering.*

*Children under 2 exempt or those with a medical condition, note from doctor must be provided.

Pool and Spa – Open between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.   You much check-in with Guest Services before entering the pool and spa area.    We are only allowed a maximum of 20 people into the pool and spa area at one time.   If others are waiting, you will be asked to limit your visit to 1 hour.  No food allowed in the pool and spa area.   SPA use is limited to members of the same household/guest room.   In addition, please maintaining a 6-foot distance from one another. Face masks are required upon entering Guest Services for check-in.*

*Children under 2 exempt or those with a medical condition, note from doctor must be provided.  

These guidelines are very restrictive but hopefully will be relaxed by the County in the near future.   Reservations for the spa are accepted.  You must check-in with Guest Services.  Use is limited to 30 minutes.

BBQ Use – Available between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.   Reservations are accepted.  You must check-in with Guest Services.  Use is limited to 1 hour.  All BBQ utensils and the gas key must be returned to Guest Services no later than 7:00 p.m.   Please do NOT hand-off keys and utensils to others.     

 Movie/DVD Rentals -  Check-outs are available at Guest Services.  
Movie List available here:
Adult | Kids

 As of now, the firepit area, bike rentals, ping pong and beach chairs/umbrellas remain unavailable.  As things progress and change, we are hoping to bring back some of these amenities cautiously and with newly implemented cleaning and social distancing procedures. 

For your convenience, we will provide all guests with luggage carts.  These luggage carts are stored in the Front Office and are cleaned and sanitized after each and every use.  At the end of your use, we ask that you return the luggage carts  to the Front Office so that they can be cleaned and sanitized for the next Guest. 

 We also taking steps to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our employees and have implemented policies and procedures to limit the exposure of our Employees. We are constantly monitoring the health of our Employees and taking extra precautions to prevent the spread of germs. Any Employee exhibiting any sign or symptoms of COVID-19 will be asked to leave our premises immediately and go to a local testing site.  Additionally, all Employees have been supplied with Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) such as gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer and will be wearing such equipment when interacting with Guests, on-site vendors, and each other.   

 Employees have also been educated on social distancing; however the Harbortown Staff and Owners are like a family.  We enjoy each other and care about one another very much and, because of that, physical distancing is not always easy.  In order to encourage physical distancing measures, we have implemented new schedules and procedures in each Department.  

Front Office Staff

The Front Office Staff will be working tirelessly to keep Guests (current and inbound) informed of our COVID-19 safety guidelines to ensure our Guests can enjoy their stays. We have now limited the Staff to one person per shift to reduce exposure. At the end of each shift, our Front Office Staff will wipe down all phones, registers, keyboards and all common working areas. They will be equipped with PPE while interacting with Guests or other Employees and asked to thoroughly wipe down the counters after each Guest, vendor, or delivery person.  We are making an effort to ensure that only one Guest (family/visiting unit) enters the lobby at a time.  In order to reduce the risk of a crowd forming, signs have been posted on the doors to the office asking individuals to stay outside until the present Guest has left. 

Maintenance Staff

 Every year this Resort goes through each and every room to repaint, touch-up, and deep clean the rooms.  This year we are continuing that tradition with some challenges.  Maintenance Staff are being asked to work alone in separate rooms, only interacting with each other as necessary.  They have been provided with PPE and have been asked to use it when they need to engage with each other, on-site vendors, or Guests.  Guests with reported maintenance issues will be asked to step out of their unit before Maintenance Staff enters. 

Housekeeping Staff

 Our Housekeeping Staff is and always has been extremely valuable to our business. For those that have been able and willing to stay with us during this time we are very grateful.  While our cleaning has always been up to standard, with the recent pandemic there is no such thing as too safe.  Employees cleaning room are asked to remove any soiled linens/trash with gloves then discard the gloves immediately to prevent cross contamination.  All fabric surfaces will be vacuumed, sprayed with a commercial grade disinfectant, and impacted rooms are secured for at least twenty-four hours after checkout.  Mid-week services have been eliminated to reduce exposure. Guests may call the Front Office at Extension 100 and request items such as fresh sheets, towels, toilet paper, soap, or paper towels. Guests will be asked to leave any soiled linens outside their door in a plastic bag and the items requested will then be delivered to the Guest’s door concealed in a plastic bag.  Guests that require a mid-week service will be asked to leave the unit during such service.  The Staff is provided with PPE and is required to wear it in such cases. 

Housekeeping Staff schedules have been staggered to discourage Employees from congregating during shifts start, lunch, and shifts end.  Additionally, the Staff is working alone, that is, one person per unit. This may delay check-in times, but it is a small price to pay for the safety of our Staff and Guests at the Resort. 

We thank you for choosing to be with us at this time and we will continue to do our best in serving you.   If there is anything else you believe we can consider doing, please ask for Carolyn Abul-Haj in the Front Office to share your comments and concerns.   If you feel that your concern is not being addressed to your satisfaction, you may call the COVID Business Compliance line at 805-202-1805 or email

We hope that you have an enjoyable stay and look forward to your return.   Stay safe!

Carolyn Abul-Haj, General Manager,